XM + Creative & Branding
Passion ignites when Ford & Leafs fans cheer together.

As a proud sponsor, Ford wanted to engage fans at Toronto Maple Leafs games, to organically introduce the Ford brand and products—and begin a relationship with them—capitalizing on the shared excitement surrounding these games.

We developed a strategy and tactical program plan that leverages the emotional draw of the Leafs to compliment Ford’s emotional benefits, by engaging fans in exclusive, entertaining and social experiences. The Ford FANatic—a super-fan who connects with fans online and hosts in-person at games—rewards people for positivity and passion. Over 8,200 fans per season are awarded tickets to the Ford Fan Deck, an exclusive suite where fans can rally and enjoy the game and experience unique perks and benefits. To drive further engagement, we created and manage in-arena concourse vehicle interactions where 20,000 high-energy fans per game engage with physical technologically-advanced gaming experiences and fan engagement.

With a goal of driving Ford product education and favourable opinion among the target audience, The Ford FANantic account currently boasts over 67k followers across Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. These followers engaged with the brand over 168, 200 times in the ‘17/’18 season for their chance to win tickets to the Ford Fan Deck. Concourse activations at the arena generated almost 400 fan engagements per game and generated thousands of data captures of participants—with the majority of registrants opting-in for further communications.